Tag Archive for: median nerve compression.

A Rare Case Report of Lateral Elbow Dislocation without a Major Fracture, Complicated by the Presence of an Ipsilateral Supracondylar Process

Vol 4 | Issue 2 | Sept-Dec 2018 | page: 11-13 | Vrettakos Aristeidis, Vampertzis Themistoklis, Dimitriadis Anastasios, Vavilis Theofanis, Antonoglou Georgios, Papastergiou Stergio

doi- 10.13107/ti.2018.v04i02.069

Author: Vrettakos Aristeidis [1], Vampertzis Themistoklis [1], Dimitriadis Anastasios [2], Vavilis Theofanis [3], Antonoglou Georgios [1], Papastergiou Stergios [1].

1Department of Orthopaedics, Agios Pavlos General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece 2Olympion Therapeutirion, General Clinic of Patras, Patra, Greece 3Laboratory of Medical Biology – Genetics, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Vampertzis Themistoklis,
Department of Orthopaedics,
Agios Pavlos General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Email: themisvamper@yahoo.com


Introduction: Supracondylar processes are vestigial remnants in humans that are usually asymptomatic, serendipitous findings, but under certain conditions, they can complicate the clinical presentation of other pathological entities. We present the first case of an elbow dislocation and the complications arising from the presence of such a process.

Case Report: A 45-year-old female patient was admitted to our outpatient’s department after a fall on her outstretched right hand. The patient’s primary complaints were numbness and paresthesia mainly on her right thumb and index finger palmary, while she was also unable to perform any elbow movements. The elbow itself was edematous and painful on palpation. Radiographic evaluation revealed lateral dislocation of the elbow joint, accompanied by a chip fracture of the lateral condyle and a supracondylar process, 11 mm in length, over the medial epicondyle of the right humerus. Supplementary, a reduction in the radial pulse wave was noted. Reduction of the dislocated elbow was performed which restored the radial artery pulse wave, as confirmed by Doppler echography, but the neurological findings persisted. A posterior elbow splint was placed for 6 weeks, allowing gradually for acuter angle movements (90° in the 1st week, 45° in the 2nd week, 30° in the 3rd week, and full range of motion afterward). 6 months after the dislocation, the patient has a 10° extension lag, with full elbow joint stability restoration and is able to return to her occupation.

Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in literature, of the involvement of a previously silent supracondylar process during a lateral elbow dislocation. Hereby, we advise the attending physicians to take into account such anatomical variations when considering diagnosis and treatment of elbow dislocations.

Keywords: Supracondylar process, humerus, lateral elbow dislocation, radial artery pulse wave, median nerve compression.


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How to Cite this article:  Vrettakos A, Vampertzis T, Dimitriadis A, Vavilis T, Antonoglou G, Papastergiou S. A Rare Case Report of Lateral Elbow Dislocation without a Major Fracture, Complicated by the Presence of an Ipsilateral Supracondylar Process. Trauma International Sep-Dec 2018;4(2):11-13.

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