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Primary Management and Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Open Injuries of the Lower Limb: Current guidelines

Vol 4 | Issue 1 | May – Aug 2018 | page:4-6 | Dheenadhayalan Jayaramaraju, Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran, Devendra Agraharam, Ramesh Perumal.


Author: Dheenadhayalan Jayaramaraju [1], Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran [1], Devendra Agraharam [1], Ramesh Perumal [1].

[1] Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma Ganga Medical Centre & Hospitals Pvt. Ltd, 313, Mettupalayam road, Coimbatore, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran,
Ganga Hospital, Mettupalayam road,Coimbatore, India
Email: rajalibra299@gmail.com


Primary management of open injuries is of utmost importance as it has direct implication on the functional outcome. Strict adherence to the ATLS protocol followed by appropriate splintage of the limb must be done. While antibiotics need to be given within 3 hours since injury, wound lavage and wound cultures have no role. Documentation and adequate counselling regarding the complications also needs to be done while managing every case of open injury.
Keywords: Open injury, antibiotic prophylaxis, wound lavage, limb splintage


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How to Cite this article:  Dheenadhayalan J, Rajasekaran R B, Agraharam D, Ramesh Perumal R. Primary Management and Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Open Injuries of the Lower Limb: Current guidelines. Trauma International May -Aug 2018;4(1):4-6.

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