Tag Archive for: cost-benefit analysis.

Percutaneous Release of Trigger Finger: A Safe And Cost effective Procedure

Vol 3 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2017 | page: 25-27 | Vinod Nair, Amit Chaudhary, Clevio Desouza, Harshal Hurkat, Shiju George

Author: Vinod Nair [1], Amit Chaudhary [1], Clevio Desouza [1], Harshal Hurkat [1], Shiju George [1].

[1]Department Of Orthopaedics, Dr D.Y.Patil Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Clevio Desouza
D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune ,Maharashtra

Email: cleviod@yahoo.com

Learning Points for this Article: This articles shows us that although in its initial stages percutaneous release of trigger finger is a safe and cost effective procedure.


Introduction: Trigger finger is a common cause of pain and disability of the hand. Trigger finger (or thumb) arises either from thickening of the flexor tendon sheath (which occurs following tenosynovitis of infective, traumatic or rheumatolgical origin) or from nodular thickening of the flexor tendon itself which may be congenital. Percutaneous release results in earlier functional recovery and patient satisfaction. This is a cost-effective and rapid method which saves a surgical procedure and results in a better functional outcome.
KeyWords: Trigger finger, percutaneous release, outpatient treatment, cost-benefit analysis.


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How to Cite this article:  Nair V, Chaudhary A , Desouz C, Hurkat H, George S. Percutaneous Release of Trigger Finger: A Safe and Cost effective Procedure. Trauma International Sep-Dec 2017;3(2):25-27.

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