Tag Archive for: primary internal fixation

Skeletal Stabilization In Open Injuries

Vol 4 | Issue 1 | May – Aug 2018 | page: 12-14 | Dheenadhayalan J, Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran, Sivakumar S P, Ramesh Perumal, Arun Kamal C.

Author: Dheenadhayalan J [1], Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran [1], Sivakumar S P [1], Ramesh Perumal [1], Arun Kamal C [1].

[1] Department of Orhtopaedics & Trauma Ganga Medical Centre & Hospitals Pvt. Ltd, 313, Mettupalayam road, Coimbatore, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Raja Bhaskara Rajasekaran,
Ganga Hospital, Mettupalayam road,Coimbatore, India
Email: rajalibra299@gmail.com


Skeletal Stabilization in open injuries is as important as soft tissue cover in providing a good outcome following open injuries. Unilateral external fixator forms the workhorse of open injuries of the lower limb. In fractured ends with good bone circumference, good reduction and fixation leads to primary union. Primary internal fixation was considered unacceptable even about two decades ago in open injuries. However, nowadays following refinement in techniques of debridement, the pendulum has now swung towards early internal fixation whenever indicated. Definitive internal fixation before soft tissue cover has also shown to give good results.Modern multiplanar and circular fixators are used if there is significant contamination, bone loss and multilevel fractures of the tibia.
Keywords: Skeletal stabilization, external fixator, debridement, primary internal fixation


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How to Cite this article:  Dheenadhayalan J , Rajasekaran R B, Sivakumar S P, Perumal R, Arun Kamal C. Skeletal Stabilization In Open Injuries. Trauma International May -Aug 2018;4(1):12-14.


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