Tag Archive for: Tibial shaft fracture

Open bilateral tibial shaft fracture: Case Report

Vol 4 | Issue 2 | Sept-Dec 2018 | page: 26-27 | Marta Santos Silva, Tiago Barbosa, Ana Ribau, Jose Muras.

doi- 10.13107/ti.2018.v04i02.073

Author: Marta Santos Silva [1], Tiago Barbosa [1], Ana Ribau [1], José Muras [1].

[1] Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital Santo António, MD, Largo do Prof. Abel Salazar, 4099-001 Porto.

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Marta Santos Silva,

Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital Santo António, MD, Largo do Prof. Abel Salazar, 4099-001 Porto.

E-mail: marta_sss_@hotmail.com


Introduction: Leg shaft fractures are common, usually requiring a complex treatment, especially when they are open fractures.

Case Report: This case report describes the presentation, surgical approach, and complications of a 32-year-old man, who suffered a motorcycle accident, resulting in an open bilateral tibial shaft fracture (Type IIIA + Type IIIB Gustilo-Anderson classification) and right calcaneal Sanders Type IV fracture.

Conclusion: The clinical case illustrates the challenging treatment options, with an excellent clinical and radiological outcome.

Keywords: Tibial shaft fracture, Osteosynthesis, Arthrodesis, Pseudoarthrosis.


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How to Cite this article:  Silva M S, Barbosa T, Ribau A, Muras J. Open bilateral tibial shaft fracture: Case Report. Trauma International Sep-Dec 2018;4(2):26-17.

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